What is “Inner Healing'“?

A glimpse into inner healing:

Gain effective tools and creative strategies to over-write pervasive negative beliefs that you aren’t good enough. You’ll get to the root of emotional wounds, process & resolve past trauma, and reconnect to your true self and purpose. You can be free from the past, and live life fully now, manifesting your true potential.

  • Explore your past to make sense of your experience now, noting aspects of your life when you have been seen, loved and kept safe, and times when you weren’t—which may have caused wounds.

  • Uncover root wounds—often shame, fear, rejection, despair, etc. Through guided imagery, mindfulness, body awareness, music, relaxation, and imaginative practices, I’ll teach you how to heal and resolve these deeply-rooted wounds so you can experience peace and freedom now.

  • Re-connect with your authentic, genuine, core self—the “you” you are meant to be.

  • Recognize aspects of yourself that “hijack” your ability to be your authentic self—whether it’s rage, fear, people pleasing or perfectionism. Learn how to coach those hijacking parts into alignment with your core self.

  • Cultivate mindsets and practices that invite more peace and freedom into your soul, so you can finally be calm, have clarity, and feel confident in every area of life.

  • Discover how you can make a difference in the world. You are uniquely positioned in life with specific experiences, personality traits, skills, abilities and interests. As you come to embody more and more of your true self, your influence in the world will expand. What will you do with that power? What is your unique purpose?

A few things Inner Healing can help with:


People pleasing

Guilt & shame




Escape & Avoidance


Fear • People pleasing • Guilt & shame • Anger • Rejection • Hopelessness • Escape & Avoidance • Negativity •

Tell us about yourself, Leah

I have a free spirit personality, but I was also a straight A student. I love being creative, expansive and visionary, but I also want my coaching techniques and inner healing strategies to be targeted and effective. I can be patient but don’t like wasting time. Starry nights inspire me but my friends and family support me. I love words, but I try to be concise.

Why inner healing?

It’s the help people are looking for but hardly anybody is offering. Just like every other human on the planet, I’ve had to go on my own inner healing journey. Through formal education, my own human experience, and divine blessing, I know how to help people heal in powerful and effective ways. I get to see people set free from the bondage of their past, sometimes after years of physical or mental health treatment that hasn’t been effective. It’s truly amazing! I’m so blessed to do this work.

What qualifies you to do Inner Healing?

I’m not one to throw around credentials or experience, but I have been a professional counselor for over a decade, and have training and experience in many different areas, including: domestic violence, criminality, early childhood, human development, couples counseling, business consulting, training and education, and nutritional medicine to name a few. (I’m a life-long learner, what can I say?) The thing that qualifies me the most for inner healing, though, is probably my extensive training and experience in trauma-focused work.

What’s the difference between counseling and coaching?

Coaching is different from counseling (or therapy) in that it is less formalized: there’s no medical record, no diagnosis, and no structured treatment plan, for example. Coaching maintains a broader focus on overall wellbeing (physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.) vs. therapy which requires interventions that are targeted specifically to mental health issues. Also, with coaching I am not beholden to a license or licensing agency, which unfortunately means I can't bill insurance, but on the upside, it gives us more freedom to use "alternative" or spiritually-based healing strategies.

When you look at someone who is broken, hurting, or even violent or cruel, what do you see?

I see the person they were meant to be. Regardless of what they look or sound like on the outside, I believe they were created for great and wonderful things. But sometimes life experiences, trauma, rejection, insecurity—all of those things hijack our ability to be our true selves and fulfill our true purpose, but that doesn’t have to be anyone’s fate. In every single human being I see an incredible destiny of love, joy, peace and abundance, and helping people get back on the road to that destiny is what inner healing is all about.

Do you have any advice?

Yes. Let go of denial. Challenge yourself to see the truth as it really is. Illusions, defenses, embellishments, avoidance—all of those mechanisms are there for a reason, but none of them will help you in the long run. Face the truth, the truth will set you free!

What is the meaning of life?

A quote from the movie Moulin Rouge really sums it up best:

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”